The whole investigation, initially, seemed more an election year ploy by the Republican party, and when the election was over (and main proponent, Atty General John Ashcroft, stepped down,) the whole thing was nearly swept under the carpet... that is until someone started leaking testimony and evidence to the press. The leak likely came from both sides of the case. On the 'whistleblower' side would be IRS investigator Jeff Novitzky, who aggressively pursued the case only to see it end up in the Feds (bumbling) hands. On the 'blowing my own horn' side is of course the huckster himself: Victor Conte.
Play it: Tower of Power "We Came To Play"

Anway, that's probably not reason enough to recommend it so I'll just say that what lies between the pages represents a crisis of not only baseball, but of nearly all of sport. While Barry Bonds is truly a monster (of ego and lies) in this book, plenty more are deserve condemnation... he's just the one on top, thus (should) fall the farthest.
Read an excerpt from Game of Shadows (SI.com)
Support the authors, and the first amendment.
tags: books, game of shadows, barry bonds, baseball, steroids, balco, tower of power, first amendment
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