Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Kilt goes to SF

'Chuck Mung,' known to us judges simply as 'the kilt*,' won the Seattle competition Monday night, beating 'The Fro' -- just barely (Check the score card, I'm judge #3). Now he's off to San Francisco as Seattle's representative for the national championships.

The final song was a edited clip of Boston's "Foreplay/Long Time" and, by estimation, no one really hit it. 'The kilt' has the best chance of doing well in SF (he won the Cleveland regional last year, and competed in the 2004 World Championships,) so he got an extra nudge.

I should correct myself and say that someone did hit the final song, but it was Air Guitar Nation star Bjorn Toroque, who came on stage to show how it's done:

*Someone unfortunately did ask what was under Mung's kilt, with Chuck all too willing to show what wasn't under it.

More Pictures from the evening (flickr)

1 comment:

Shawn Anderson said...

I gave Bjorn a 5.9, reserving a 6.0 just in case there was a C-Diddy waiting to follow.