Thursday, September 10, 2009

Now Downloading: New Releases 09.08.09

Holy mother of all reunion release weeks. Bands Polvo, Os Mutantes, Prefab Sprout and The Clean all release their first album in a loooong time. Polvo 12 years, Os Mutantes 35 years, the rest fall in between. If that weren't enough, there's also new releases from Vivian Girls, Yo La Tengo, Rodrigo Y Gabriela, Health, Visqueen, BLK JKS, Sondre Lerche, a compilation of Damon and Naomi and the physical release of They Might Be Giants' latest kidtastic adventure.

Normally, this would be a jam-packed thematic post with all kinds of passion but Bumbershoot happened, derailing most my normally scheduled posts, so forgive this abbreviated version.

Playlist: New Releases 09.08.09

Polvo - In Prism
Stream / Purchase [mp3]

Polvo - In PrismThe bendy guitars are back! After 12 years, Chapel Hill's Sonic Youth-ites do the unthinkable and return with their finest album yet. Granted, their previous releases were a scattershot of genius moments mixed with WTF. In Prism is a much more focused affair, which will probably turn off a few fans, but for me, it's like the Sonic Youth record we've been waiting for since Daydream Nation. "Right the Relation" is one of the best album openers of the year while "Beggars Banquet," pulls out everything from their bag of tricks.

Preview write-up of In Prism.

Free AOL Album Stream
Download: "Beggar's Bowl" [mp3]

Os Mutantes - Haih or Amortecedor
Stream / Purchase [mp3]

Os Mutantes - Haih or Amortecedor35 years is a long time to go between releases, and Haih somehow still sounds like an extension of what the Brazilian pych-pop stars were doing those long years ago. The album, while glossed up like a modern release, finds a niche between the early crazy pop and the more prog-rock tendencies of the post-Rita Lee years, even calling back to some of the earlier songs ("2000 e Agarrum" recalls "Dois Mil E Um", for one). Employing help from fellow countrymen Tom Ze and Jorge Ben, along with pych-folk follower Devandra Banhart, the album is the cherry on top of the sundae that was the band reuniting. Highlights include "Querida, Querida" and "Teclar."

Free AOL Album Stream

More on the radar (and in the mp3 player) this week:
They Might Be Giants - Here Comes Science / "Electric Car", "I Am a Paleontologist" [mp3]
Vivian Girls - Everything Goes Wrong
Yo La Tengo - Popular Songs / "Here to Fall," / "Periodically Double or Triple" [mp3]
Prefab Sprout - Andromeda Heights / "In the Dreamlife You Need a Rubber Soul," "Tensile" [mp3]
The Clean - Mister Pop
Rodrigo Y Gabriela - 11:11
Visqueen - Message to Garcia
Health - Get Color
BLK JKS - After Robots
Damon and Naomi - The Sub Pop Years
Monotonix - Where Were You When It Happened? / "Set Me Free" [mp3]
Sondre Lerche - Heartbeat Radio

The Feelies - Crazy Rhythms
The Feelies - the-good-earth
The Stone Roses - The Stone Roses 20th Anniversary Collector's Edition

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