Play it: Joe Jackson "Is She Really Going Out With Him"
Download: The Raconteurs live on AOLRadio
Video: "Steady as She Goes"

So the supergroup featuring Jack White, Brendan Benson and Greenhornes (The Raconteurs) finally sees an official (U.S.) release, with the single "Steady, as She Goes," and I have to admit I've been waiting for it to drop in Rhapsody so I could point out the Joe Jackson homage (or ripoff, depending on your viewpoint.)
Right from the start, the bass line is a blatant pull from Jackson's power-pop classic "Is She Really Going Out With Him," which I wasn't entirely sure was a conscious thing, until I saw their Jim Jarmusch directed video (PLAY IT) and noticed the white shoe framing in the intro seemed very Look Sharp-like.
Nearly any reference to Joe Jackson gets a thumbs-up in my book...
The Racontuers "Steady as She Goes" video (directed by Jim Jarmusch)
It's all about Jack (Greenhornes review / Raconteurs preview)
Pop! goes the playlist (Brendan Benson / Power-pop revival)
Making time with Star Time (Benson's label)
tags: playlist, music, raconteurs, joe jackson, greenhornes, white stripes, jack white, detroit, greenhornes, indie rock, brendan benson, rhapsody
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