Thursday, December 04, 2008

Life: Evil and his brother Red Herring

By standards of mystery and procedure, one of the weakest episodes of Life of this season. But it was funny and, ahem, sexy, and all in the end, all is forgiven.

What happened to the music this week? Ending with Radiohead's "Reckoner" was pretty cool, and I do like the Earlies, but it wasn't essential to the episode. I have it on good authority that we'll have more than one great music moment coming up in the mid-season finale.

1. "Morning Wonder" - The Earlies
2. "Yadnus" - !!!
3. "Reckoner" - Radiohead

Previously: Honeyhoney, Badge Bunny (Episode 2.09)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved this ep!
It was very funny and sexy.
It's definitely my favourite one...erm...maybe because I love Tideese and I wanted so hard their erm..."physical union"...