Friday, October 06, 2006

Eating batteries, pissing gasoline

The Slats come on like The Grifters crossed with Mitch Mitchell-era Guided By Voices, all tangled up in distorted vocals and big guitars. Like GBV, they're from the Midwest (Minnesota and Iowa,) and they play with the abandon of a McLusky, but with the sincerity of an Art Brut.

While I'm lazily tossing out a lot of band names, might as well get these one's in: The Fall, Pavement, John Spencer Blues Explosion.

How can Boom Patrol sound like all these bands? You listen and tell me.

Album: The Slats - Boom Patrol
Download: "Ironman"

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1 comment:

Shawn Anderson said...

The Slats - Boom Patrol

1. Ironman
2. Boom Patrol
3. Call My Telephone
4. Ignatius
5. Stegosauras WrxxX
6. King Of Hawaii
7. I Wrote The Code
8. Erase U
9. DoubleXX Ranch
10. Fireball
11. Bash The Plastic
12. Reptilium Rescue
13. Ninja III: The Domination